Obesity, Circadian Rhythms & Bluelight Toxicity with Matt Maruca
health September 27th. 2023, 10:18pmIn this episode, Dr. Stephanie Estima and Matt Maruca discuss the impact of light on our natural rhythms, emphasizing the importance of sunlight and the consequences of an indoor lifestyle. They challenge misconceptions about the sun and explore the connection between light, health, and hormonal balance.
Links mentioned:
Go to https://raoptics.com/drstephanie and use code: DRSTEPHANIE to get 10% off all Ra Optics products.
Lux Light Meter Pro – https://apps.apple.com/app/lux-light-meter-pro/id1292598866
Sunscreen makers withdraw products found to contain cancer-causing substance – https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/sunscreen-makers-withdraw-products-found-to-contain-cancer-causing-substance
Skin exposure to UVB light induces a skin-brain-gonad axis and sexual behavior – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8411113/
Episode Overview:
0:00:01 Cells communicate with ultraviolet light and its paradoxical nature
0:03:15 Opening dialogue with guest on circadian and infradian misalignment
0:06:59 Understanding the concept of full spectrum light and its importance
0:10:10 The Power of Light in Evolution and Life
0:13:30 Understanding the Role of Blue Light and UV Light
0:19:17 The Disruption of Indoor Living and Lack of Blue Light
0:22:28 The Misconceptions and Dangers of Sunscreen
0:28:28 Sunscreen: Is it Really Necessary?
0:32:53 The Role of Melanocytes Stimulating Hormone (MSH) in Sun Protection
0:37:10 Harmful Chemicals and Seed Oils: A Cancer Connection
0:44:52 Sunning the Perineum: A Hormone Augmentation Technique?
0:46:05 The Fall of Clothing and the Nudist Perspective
0:54:02 Leptin Resistance and Disruption of Circadian Rhythm
1:00:06 Impact of Contact Lenses and Corrective Surgery on Vision
1:03:12 Epigenetic modification: Understanding the impact of genes on vision
1:06:29 Moonlight and its potential influence on menstrual cycles
1:11:30 The Influence of Outdoor Time on Menstrual Cycle Alignment
1:14:30 The Benefits of Blue Light Blocking Glasses
1:20:07 Using Red Lenses for Nighttime Protection
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Get yourself a copy of my best-selling book, The Betty Body: https://bettybodybook.com
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