Are Genes To Blame for Bad Behavior? – Kristene Doyle
health January 2nd. 2024, 1:57amComplete video at:
Cognitive behavioral therapist Kristene Doyle argues that while genes may predispose us to anxiety or alcoholism, we still have final control over our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. “Regardless of one’s genetic predispositions, there needs to be accountability for one’s actions,” she says.
Researchers in the field of behavioral genetics have asserted claims for a genetic basis to numerous behaviors, including homosexuality, aggression, alcoholism, and nurturing. Furthermore, a growing scientific and popular focus on genes and behavior has contributed to a resurgence of behavioral genetic determinism — the belief that genetics is the major factor in determining behavior. Just recently commentators have blamed the international economic crisis on the innate greed of our consumer “have it all now” society.
Are behaviors inbred, written indelibly in our genes as immutable biological imperatives, or is the environment more important in shaping our thoughts and actions? What are the social consequences of genetic diagnoses of such traits as intelligence, criminality, or homosexuality? How much of our behavior can be attributed to our hardwiring? – NY Salon
Dr. Kristene Doyle is the Associate Executive Director of the Albert Ellis Institute. She is also the Director of Clinical Services and Director of Child and Family Services at the Ellis Institute and an Adjunct Assistant Professor at St. John’s University.
She received her Ph.D. in clinical and school psychology from Hofstra University and a Doctor of Science degree from the International Institute for the Advanced Studies of Psychotherapy and Applied Mental Health. She has conducted seminars and workshops and given numerous presentations, both nationally and internationally, on Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and its application to various mental disorders, including anxiety and depression.
Dr. Doyle has also appeared frequently on TV and radio and in newspapers across the country.
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